Thursday, 31 March 2011

Go Progress Chrome!!

I'm so pissed off with Firefox 4!  Installed it last week.  Problems!  I do some research to try and get on top of the issues which only led to more problems.


Chrome from now on!  I'm a creature of habit but when your habitat has been destroyed you move on to a new one!!

Classic Conan!

Still one of my favourite clips ever. I remember the first time I saw it. Had tears in my eyes. haha.

Kaddyshack Kwote

"Remember Danny - 
Two wrongs don't make a right 
but three rights make a left." 

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Taste the Meat not the Street!

The way I see it.  There's 2 kinds of people in this world.  Those who enjoy Webers Burgers and those who live off of Weber.  I know which one I am right now.  Mmmmmmm!

Monday, 28 March 2011


Really couldn't think of anything to post today.  Better luck next time. 

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Night 2: Down the Mountain

So last night I was back at the Bloor Cinema with my butt parked in one of their oh so comfy seats.  It was Day 2 of the showing of the Banff Mountain Film Festival.  It was a good mix of movies.  It was kind of more serious especially after the feature movie Tibet: Murder in the Snow, which can't be blamed for false advertising.  Anyway after the intermission and another night of being shut out of the raffle prizes a movie about fly fishing started.  When it was done it was too bad.  It was awesome!  Everyone in the theatre was laughing.  Great Movie!!!  Did I mention it was about fly fishing?  Here's the trailer

Times New Desperado!

EXTRA! EXTRA! Just heard 'Want to Exist' and played 10 times in a row.  Love it!  Is there anything this Font Scandinavian Pirate band can't do??

Now I gotta listen to a certain song 10 more times before I can consider doing anything else!