Saturday 26 March 2011

Early Saturday Afternoon Qualifier!!!!

Cro - Georgia Euro qualifying game on now.  Nice touch with the tribute to Japan by both teams.


Night 1: Up the Mountain

Last night was the start of the Banff Mountain Film Festival in T.O.  I've gone the last 2 years prior to this 2011 installment.  They show a combo of adventure, snowboard type (not my faves but some crazy mountain views) and docs chronicling cultural awareness from around the globe.  All in all, I enjoyed the ones last night a little more then the ones I saw last year.  It's a worth while if you get the chance.

It's a good mix of dizzy and swears!

Thursday 24 March 2011


Bobby EE-AH-RU is calling you out Jules

So this is a clip from last weeks soccer show where the hosts (Nigel Reed & Bob Iarusci) were interviewing Julian de Guzman just before the start of the season.  We all know Nigel loves the sound of his own voice, but if you wanna here Bob speaking some truth start at 4:43.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Calm, Cool & Collected

So in addition to walking back from Sarah's place this morning (about 5 klicks with the snow blowing in my face), when I really could have hopped on the subway at any time of my journey.  Backwards Karl decides today to make a homemade Ice Cap for the first time with leftover coffee, a tray's worth of ice, nutella and some cream.  It actually turned out pretty damn good. 

Oh the weather outside is,


But theis so delightful


El Chupacabra Mystery Solved: Case of Mistaken Identity

YA RIGHT!  That's exactly what the El Chups wants me to think so I'll let my guard down.  Not gonna happen.  Not again.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

From Behind Bars

So my place has bars on all the windows to protect me from the crazies that lurk on the outside.  Always something you look for in a place you'll be calling home.

There's usually something going on across the street on the steps of the church that makes me chuckle.

Count the "Z's" in this one.